The Radigals Blog
Name: Radigals
Home: New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States
About Us: A pretty rad group of guys and gals dedicated to feminist activism, arts and crafts, community involvement, changing the world, and snacky treats.
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  Friday, September 18, 2009  
"Values Voter Summit"-Family Research Council Action
This morning while channel surfing, I stumbled upon this little gem-The Values Voter Summit.

The first speaker that I caught was Rep. Christopher Smith from New Jersey. Mr. Smith is passionately Pro-Life, so much so that he lies about abortion and women's health. He refers to abortion as "the culture of death" and the pro-life stance as "the culture of life". His speech focused on statistics about how abortion is "bad for women" and how the pro-lifers and Obama are lying to the American people by using words terms such as "reproductive justice", "women's health", or "reproductive rights", when what they are "really" trying to say is abortion. Rep. C. Smith makes himself out to know what is best for women, but he never once offers a solution to what is to happen to these women who are forced into carrying out an unwanted pregnancy and then what happens to that child. He said that if "Obama-care" passes it could be the biggest "threat" and the "greatest expansion of abortion" in the the United States since Roe vs. Wade.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) I didn't get to see all the other speakers. Conferences such as these show us how much further we need to go in order to secure a women's right to choose.

You can check out their website here
posted by Marlee @ 10:22 AM   0 comments