The Radigals Blog
Name: Radigals
Home: New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States
About Us: A pretty rad group of guys and gals dedicated to feminist activism, arts and crafts, community involvement, changing the world, and snacky treats.
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  Wednesday, August 12, 2009  
Idealizing Masculinity at the Cost of Your Health
Science Daily put out an article today which cites a recent study conducted which looks at "Macho Men", a bunch of middle-aged guys that are everything man. These "middle-aged men who strongly idealize masculinity are almost 50 percent less likely than other men to seek preventative healthcare services, according to a study—the first population-based analysis of men's masculinity beliefs and preventative healthcare compliance—to be presented at the 104th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association."

Interestingly enough the PI (principal investigator) on this piece of research is the lovely Kristen W. Springer, an assistant sociology professor at our alma mater, Rutgers, New Brunswick. She investigated these manly men in both high socio-economic status circles and their low-status, blue-collar brothers. Her research concluded that those in white-collar, high paying jobs are threatened by seeking health care (especially preventative) whereas blue-collar workers put aside fears of threatening their masculinity and seek health care. She also mentions that education had no pull in getting these burly men into a prostate check-up as both highly educated and uneducated men avoid preventative care.

The Critique
: This lady did a study on middle-aged men from Wisconsin. That means all white and at the very least holding a high school diploma under their belt. I would have liked to seen what the subjects in this study thought about homosexuality. This could have placed the group of men into one of two groups:

  1. Ones who are in defense of their own sexuality and/or fear undergoing a rectal examination by a man.
  2. Ones who believe that everything they do is right and law, therefore they view doctor's orders as a challenge to their masculinity.
Too bad these silly men are putting their health on the line. Then people wonder why women outlive men.

For the full article please visit:


posted by Red Stocking Lady @ 12:05 AM  

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