The Radigals Blog
Name: Radigals
Home: New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States
About Us: A pretty rad group of guys and gals dedicated to feminist activism, arts and crafts, community involvement, changing the world, and snacky treats.
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  Sunday, July 12, 2009  
Before you kiss, better look around for Mormons first!

"Gay Couple Detained after Kiss near LDS Temple"

If anyone's ever visited Salt Lake City, it only has about a 50% Mormon population. It's not a bad place - it has some nice restaurants, decent shopping and it's close to some pretty fantastic ski spots. Oh...what I'd give to have takeout from this one Indian place in SLC....but I digress.

There's a (privately-owned since 2003) square in the center of the city where the Mormon Church owns a Temple and an Office Building. It's also where the Mormon Tabernacle Choir auditions. It's called "Temple Square" and the church has done it up to look like a park. Lots of fountains and flowers. Very pretty for an evening walk whether you're Mormon or not.

So, between the fact that it used to be a public square and the fact that there are no specific signs posted besides a general "patrons may be asked to leave if behaving inappropriately" sign, you can't really blame a gay couple for taking a stroll through the square on their way home and sharing a kiss. A KISS ON THE CHEEK.

But apparently Mormons can. They were asked, by Mormon heavies, to leave the square and, when they refused, they were ARRESTED. Not escorted from the property - ARRESTED. They were told that there were no Public Displays of Affection allowed on the Square, which is completely outrageous: you go there any day of the week and you'll find dozens of smooching hetero-Mormons.

First Prop 8 and now this. I can't believe this stuff sometimes. I'm so angry about this I don't even know what to type anymore. So I'm done. Just wanted to show you guys some really ridiculous stuff.
posted by Radigals @ 9:39 AM  

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